what style of music is this? what is it called?
I think of it a cross between deathcore and arjent metal (a type of metal inspired by Mick Gordon).
A lot of my riffs were inspired by watching cannibal corpse do a play through of frantic disembowlment, instrumenlly. I thought it was insane how fast they played everything. When you only listen to the album it sounds like a bunch of mud and noise, but when you actually watch them, their hands go nuts and it feels impossible to recreate it.
I don't really listen to the band, but the way they played it inspired me on writing my music. And, a band I do listen to, which was a huge inspiration, was meshuggah. Especially their work on future breed machine (meyhem version). It laid the ground work for me.
When everyone else obsessed over recreating their math core polyrhythm, and fusing it with dream theater, instead, I was influenced by their mechanical sound, the way they sounded like a hateful machine. You would think the machine on "I have no mouth and msyt scream" wrote their music.
So basically I set out to try create something kinda unique
Or it would have been unique if mick Gordon didn't beat me to it. But it didn't stop be from wanting to add my own noisy spin on it
In the new song, the synth was inspired by sounds I'd hear when I was getting alcohol induced psychosis