I Hate My Job With A Fierce Passion Club


Corn Star
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I remember as a teenager listening to a family friend who worked as a jeweler talk about obscenely expensive jewelry and their customers. $40k rings and stuff in the 80's. I asked him "What do these people DO?!" His answer "Generally, they don't DO anything, they OWN."


Corn Star
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The most sickening part of the exit interview was the guy letting me go Friday before Christmas telling me "Happy holidays"

Meanwhile i look for shoes for tiny Tim and the wife fusses again because I bought (and returned) a third pair. She also fussed that I asked her to grab a six pack of cider otw here, because we shouldn't spend money on alcohol right now. (I drink like one or two a week) but rent on her little escape from parenthood...

I got a couple prospects that sound pretty promising though one is in the office full time and I'll need to figure out something to do with him. (Hopefully something that resembles homeschool in some semblance) but thats not until end of Jan. The other is hot to trot and i have an inside lead (from a former coworker) but they went on break before i got an interview so I don't know if I got ghosted or the wheels just turn slowly at Christmas.

Dang that cider would be great right now


Royal Corn
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Sounds like the dickhead I report through.
Our output peaked in 2021 with about 13,000 barrels of beer. 2022 we had MASSIVE product recalls that tanked our production; 2023 we levelled out to about 12,000; and 2024, we were down from that still. Big Boss wants to double our output this year to roughly 25,000 barrels but without increasing staffing.

What we've got going for us is a new salesguy who's focusing on chain stores - we've made in-roads with Jewel Osco in Illinois, Meijer across Michigan and we have a contact at Publix in Florida. But, this all seems to be ignoring the fact that craft beer (over the past 2 years, and with everything I'm reading saying it'll continue this year) just isn't doing well at a retail level - all the growth comes from on-premise consumption, which we seem to be ignoring.

We'll see what happens I guess.


Royal Corn
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A fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break.
Welp, Big Boss says his goal this year is to make someone crack and cry due to pressure.
2024 sucked ass for the most part, but I found myself welcomed back to the place I left to take the "better" job.
Bossman offered me an assistant position (tertiary manager) and I accepted.

I've worked with, and for, a LOT of assholes.

I like to think of it as a form of training, learning what NOT to do, how NOT to treat people.

Do I still get frustrated?
But, I make it a point to restrain myself, and not verbalize it to the staff I'm managing.

So, rather than losing my shit, like myself and countless others have done, I simply sigh, take a deep breath, and carry onward.

If anything this new position has taught me, it's patience and grace.

Not easy, but nothing worthwhile in life ever comes easy.