Got robbed last night!

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Party on the porch! But I forgot the chips.... Actually these grifters are still so skittish they don't want to come by in the daytime. They're probably more afraid of being pet than harmed, but dignity and all that...


The infrared light in their eyes is rather freaky. This is actually composited but there were at least three cats on the porch (the clipped out frame is Slim from another shot).
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There is a sheet metal frog decoration near the door the gets consistently classified as "person". Same with the self waterer. Frigate out of the box uses Yolo don't remember what version, and its trained on a common publicly available dataset which is heavy on people and doesn't even have a category for possum, which is why they get lumped with dogs and cats.

I started out using a version of YOLO but it requires you to draw boxes around the objects for training and we said screw that and just went with a classifier rather than a SSD object detector. Yup there is a cat somewhere in this pic. Next! So switching back to Yolo has some non-negligible effort involved and we're collecting this data from Frigate for a while and then we'll try to reclassify our old data. Hopefully that will allow us to use it to to train itself and only do a few hundred onages rather than tens of thousands.

Our raccoon showed up again the other night but he's rare. I'd placed the camera to get as much of the driveway as I could while still capturing the porch but unfortunately I think it puts the autofocus in the driveway. He wasn't in the sharpest focus. My son and I were both putting him at about 55% raccon but could possibly be Slim.

Quartering away, I couldn't see the head, just a fat gray stripe tail and huge butt. In an ideal pose they're actually sort of triangular shaped while cats are more barrel shaped (constant diameter) but pose can make that one hard to tell. Feet seem to be the most reliable indicator if he's quartering away.

Kinda sucks to get a sighting and not have a good training image from it.
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Corn Star
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The thing about orange cats sharing a single brain cell among them is apparently true. This is Tazzie's 3rd time in my trap, and the 2nd time for APPLES. Dude - you're an obligate carnivore (and apparently a slow learner).

Orange cats are some of the best. Gimme a big old mellow orange tomcat any time.

My sister is a vet - she says orange cats are usually mellow, but the calico/tortiseshell colored ones will nail you.
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Cool development today. Neighbor swung by with cat food today (and her yippy dog). I heard the camera moving and saw her, so I went to speak to her. While we're chatting, in broad daylight. Taz mozies on up - keeping his distance but definitely ambling this way. Made himself scarce after said yippy dog barked at him, but 2 minutes after they left he paid us a visit. She said he might even let you pet him, just don't go for the head.


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They've been eating over here while the neighbors were away for the weekend but today I went to check on the food status and saw Taz next door. So i went over with a bag of food and say hi.

Taz wasn't up for pets but was comfortable enough to groom himself within reach. Ghost as always was too skittish to eat while I was nearby but still came for moral support.1000006639.jpg1000006642.jpg